Sunday, July 6, 2008

EDC 668--Blog 9 Week 7/7

What types of influence do I have in my current local and global communities? How can I expand that influence?

Local Community

In my local community I feel that I have a lot of influence. As an elementary classroom teacher I interact with 30-60 different students on a daily basis. There is much to be said that students look up to their teachers and love to emulate what the teachers do and believe.

Next year my plan is to develop a green classroom. I would love to have an environmentally safe classroom where the students recycle, use environmentally friendly materials, and are more aware of their impact and the role they play in keeping our planet healthy. In doing so, our kids will, most likely, share the message with their friends and family, who in turn will participate in creating a healthier planet.

Another way I can influence my local community is by voting. Through participating in local elections, I am giving someone the opportunity to represent my beliefs in making a difference in our community.

Global Community

Being an active participant in the online community is a start in being a part of a global community. Expressing my opinions and feelings in blogs that are accessible to all is the first step to my contributions. Creating a website and writing articles for the open source online dictionary Wikipedia is another contribution I have made to our global community.

Expanding my Influence
Continuously contributing my thoughts and reflections on my blog, website, and speaking with community and family members is one way to continue to drive change in the community and world.

Ghandi said it best:
You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

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