Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's only been a week!

I totally cannot believe that it has only been a week since we have left Virtcamp! Well our first semester is in full swing and I am in the process of reading 3 books at once and trying to keep everything straight while also reading posts on Blackboard, creating a webgift, reading articles, and writing a blog, oh yeah and creating a website. Whew! My gosh! I have to admit that I did have to go buy an iLap to put my laptop at a slant so I don't get carpel tunnel syndrome. This instrument is becoming my new best friend. I'll soon be buckling it into the front seat with me! :) I can honestly say that I am a little overwhelmed right now. I was talking to Todd earlier today and had said that I take mini breaks by going and getting a snack. I know that I do have to get a handle on that otherwise I will begin to develop handles in places that I don't need them to be.

Let me tell you though...this PROCESS thing is haunting me. I was watching Leno this past week. I guess there have been many YouTube videos created mocking the candidates for the next Presidential election. Well...Lo and behold Leno had stated it was part of the Process. I am beginning to understand that this program is paralleling what education will look like in the future. I am beginning to understand that. Well ta-ta for now... I'm going to immerse myself in one of the above listed items.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I think I'm coming onto something!!

So has been awhile since I have posted...I'm actually trying to dechiper everything that I have learned thus far, and figure out how to apply, when to apply, and why what I am reading/learning is important. Funny thing is, I went into work on Tuesday and enthusiastically told some of my colleagues about the my fun and memorable week at Virtcamp. I told them that I still have no idea what I really need to do. The other teachers response was well, your in college. They really could not offer me any advice and possibly thought I had missed something. I can honestly say, that over the past few days of intense reading, I have learned a little bit more about myself and possibly why this program is trying to change the way that we think. Within the past 10 years there has been a trend in changing the way things are taught---moving from direct instruction to inquiry based instruction. Well.. I'd have to say that this program is doing just that. It is trying to change our learning styles. Reflecting back on years past, I have had a few select professors teach with the inquiry based approach, and I will tell you that those are the things that you remember. I can honestly say that I really don't remember what I learned in the classes in which the teacher or professor stood in front of the class and and spoke for a good hour. I know that this inquiry-based stuff will take some time to get used to...but I can surely say that the new synaptic pathways that are developed, will have a faster response/feedback time, than if I was to learn in a non-inquiry based setting.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hard Fun!!!

Before Virtcamp week, I never really thought about the phrase Hard Fun!!! Seymour Papert's coined phrase is a paradox in itself. How can something that is hard be fun? Well after Virtcamp week, I learned that Hard Fun has a literal meaning and Virtcamp really lived up the the saying hard fun! Looking back on the week, I cannot believe how much of a challenge I was given and the ways that I conquered that challenge. For one, I was put way outside of my comfort zone. Not being given parameters or assignments until the last minute was a little bothersome to me. I am a person that likes guidelines laid out for me and deadlines given to me way in advance. This week taught me to take things as they are and work with what you have. Knowing that everyone was on the same boat as myself was another positive. We all had similar feelings and I was not alone.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

640 A Common Thread:Day 3

Day 3....Nerds on a does it relate to our group? Yeah its candy and we all love it; but it's deeper meaning is that we have come together and united on one strand. Every one person has something to contribute to our cadre, and if we didn't have them, our common thread would have some holes in it. We all came here with a vision. Over the course of the next year, we will be able to work together to better understand how learning takes place and how we can incorporate implementing technology into our classrooms and our workplace. Learning is a process that takes time. This next year will allow us nerds to support each other and band together in what will be an amazing adventure.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 2 Fears and Hopes

Day 2...a little more comfortable, yet still aprehensive. After learning about what this next year entails I can say that I do have fears. One is balancing between work and school. I take pride in everything I do both inside and outside of work and school, and I really don't know how I will be able to put my everything required for these two into my 24 hour day. Also, how will I be able to do everything correctly (I guess this is part of my perfectionism) Over the next year, I think I will have to work on this. I know that the world is not perfect and I am not perfect, thus I will possibly break the my perfectionistic personality. Next fear: ARP. I'm not a writer and I'm scared to have to write a 100 pg paper. As far as my hopes: I hope to develop fabulous relationships with my cadremates, as well as learn how to better incorporate technology into my classroom. Technology is the wave of the future, and it is very important that we keep our students up to date with these forms, because they are our future.

FIrst Day at VirtCamp!!!

I can honestly say that this day has been a mixture of emotions. Excitement, nervousness, anxiety and being uncomfortable are just a few of these emotions. Coming into this program I had a lot of preconceived notions as to what this program was going to entail, yet today just jumbled them up. I am a person that likes order/ structure and in no way shape or form did it follow any...or at least I did not catch onto it. I am a natural leader (and perfectionist) and because of this, I like to know the ins and outs of everything, however, This program will challenge us to take thinking to the next level. After reflecting, I feel that this will help me to take me to the next level and help not only benefit my teaching and my students, but that of my colleagues as well. In the end, I think that this will all make sense. Bill said, they would like to change the way we think about things. I'm officially ready to do this and to jump in head first!!