Sunday, July 6, 2008

EDC 668--Blog 8 Week 6/30

From where does global change derive? How can we use global change to promote deeper learning across the globe?

I believe that global change derives from citizens that see a need for this change. After a need is developed, they help others to understand their views and jump on board for the cause. Ultimately though, global change is seen as benefiting most everyone on earth.

After much reflection, I feel that Al Gore is one of the people that has promoted a lot of global change throughout the past decade. He used his fame of being a vice president to show the effects of global warming. Through his efforts, he has helped to promote much knowledge about becoming a green citizen. Recently, more and more businesses throughout the world are joining his campaign to minimize global warming. There is even a cable channel, the Green Planet.

Through communication and technology global change can promote deeper learning across the globe. Joining forces with other nations and helping others understand the need to work together on a world level will help to initiate positive change.

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