Sunday, July 6, 2008

EDC 668--Blog 10 Week 7/14

How has the course been effective in broadening your perspective and skill set for managing technology for change?

This course and the OMET program have really broadened my perspective of the impacts of technology in today's world. I can honestly say that prior to OMET I never thought about using technology as an agent for learning. I always thought about using technology as a separate facet of learning. Now I feel confident that I can manage technology for change.

Many of the books that we read throughout the year helped me to understand the importance of technology and how it actually helps us to learn. In the book Everything Bad is Good for You, I learned of why reality television and soap operas are beneficial. They actually challenge the brain. The author also explains how different facets of kids shows are actually beneficial. Gaining a new perspective on these issues was very refreshing.

Our Tapped In meetings and discussion forums have enlightened me on how I can become a leader of educational technology and combining learning and technology into one concept. Thinking on a global scale and integrating my curriculum on a global level has empowered me to be a more powerful teacher.

Understanding that change is a big part of our education's future, and I can be a part of that change. Each of my OMET teachers, Bill, Gary, Margaret, Melissa, Paul and my cadreamates have all provided me with the knowledge that will help to build my next steps of technology integration in schools and learning.

Thank you all for this powerful tool!

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