Tuesday, June 3, 2008

EDC 668--Blog 5

How do NCLB and the Spellings Commission affect change in the use of educational technology?

Both NCLB and the Spellings Commission promote change in elementary, secondary, and higher education institutions. These legislations require institutions to be held accountable for their performance while also narrowing educational gaps. Today, all elementary and secondary education institutions require schools to assess their students yearly. Through these assessments, the government can determine the needs at each school and if further training and funding is necessary to continue a quality education. As a result of the impacts of NCLB and the Spellings Commission, more and more schools will utilize educational technology to better their institution.

Educational Technology will continue to play a role in narrowing the educational gap amongst schools. Various forms of technology including the Internet and Computers will allow further training of teachers, and providing equitable training across the nation. Institutions will be able to utilize these technologies to collaborate with other schools.

Being that NCLB is directly tied to standards based teaching, standards based curriculum would be easily accessible for students to optimize their test scores. Such Internet based programs, like Study Island, allow for standards based practice, and adjust instruction levels based on need. More and more schools will be looking to help raise API and AYP scores. Many schools will see that technology will help them to do so!

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